The project

BRACE&PROTECT [Capacity-building and policy recommendations for vulnerable third-country nationals, seeking internationalprotection or granted temporary protection]

is financed by the Home Affairs Programme of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021


The main objective of the project is to improve the capacity of public bodies, institutions and NGOs working in the field of asylum and migration and those providing various services to 3rd country nationals (TCNs) seeking international protection and TCNs granted temporary protection, with a focus on vulnerable groups.


To achieve the planned goals and results, the project envisages the following main activities:

230 representatives of the target group – employees of institutions and organizations working in the field of asylum and migration – will be directly engaged through the planned activities, about 2000 through the thematic events and the thematic brochure; and the publicity activities and the planned measures for multiplication and sustainability, will cover directly and indirectly an additional 10,000 people.

Conduct an expert social research of the profile of TCNs seeking international protection and those granted temporary protection (with a special focus on vulnerable groups) on the territory of Bulgaria

Development of a local mechanism for support and social orientation of persons seeking international protection and/or granted temporary protection

Capacity building trainings for representatives of local government, local administration and NGOs, branch organizations and social service providers in the pilot municipalities

Social orientation Training of trainers (ToT) for third-country nationals seeking international protection and/or granted temporary protection

Awareness-raising activities and support for building inclusive communities:

  • Information brochure for third-country nationals seeking international protection and/or granted temporary protection in Bulgaria
  • Thematic information events to present the cultural traditions and specifics of the migrant and host communities

Training activities and capacity building of 200 representatives of national institutions and NGOs in the field of asylum and migration, with an emphasis on temporary protection and especially vulnerable groups

Development of analysis with recommendations for further development of the asylum and migration policy and legislation (with a focus on the temporary protection provisions)

To achieve the planned goals and results, the project envisages the following main activities:

Conduct an expert social research of the profile of TCNs seeking international protection and those granted temporary protection (with a special focus on vulnerable groups) on the territory of Bulgaria

Development of a local mechanism for support and social orientation of persons seeking international protection and/or granted temporary protection

Capacity building trainings for representatives of local government, local administration and NGOs, branch organizations and social service providers in the pilot municipalities

Social orientation Training of trainers (ToT) for third-country nationals seeking international protection and/or granted temporary protection

Awareness-raising activities and support for building inclusive communities:

  • Information brochure for third-country nationals seeking international protection and/or granted temporary protection in Bulgaria
  • Thematic information events to present the cultural traditions and specifics of the migrant and host communities

Training activities and capacity building of 200 representatives of national institutions and NGOs in the field of asylum and migration, with an emphasis on temporary protection and especially vulnerable groups

Development of analysis with recommendations for further development of the asylum and migration policy and legislation (with a focus on the temporary protection provisions)

230 representatives of the target group – employees of institutions and organizations working in the field of asylum and migration – will be directly engaged through the planned activities, about 2000 through the thematic events and the thematic brochure; and the publicity activities and the planned measures for multiplication and sustainability, will cover directly and indirectly an additional 10,000 people.
